

Discovery Quay Reaches New Heights

Discovery Quay Reaches New Heights image

Discovery Quay Project Manager, Chris Bennett was quick off the mark in offering project facilities to support local life-saving skills and training.

The project tower crane provided a perfect opportunity to help local firefighters and technical rescue units to practice their working from height rescues and to further develop their enhanced skills.

Delighted to accept Chris' offer of the unique training opportunity, Paul Mackill, Watch Manager, Green Watch, G58 - Salford Fire Station, GMFS expressed his gratitude for the use of 'real life' training facilities, commenting:

"Thank you for arranging and facilitating this training activity for Salford and Leigh TRU Green Watch. The training was extremely beneficial as we were able to create a realistic scenario to highlight how difficult these emergency situations can be. All personnel thoroughly enjoyed the training session and the scenario was a success, please pass on my thanks to everyone involved."
The team taking part in training on the project tower crane

Robin Fleming, Head of Health & Safety, GRAHAM Building South complimented the project team, saying:

"Tower Crane Rescue is a critical consideration by all management teams within GRAHAM during pre-construction, where we have site trained teams combined with assistance from the local authorities depending on their availability.
"To have engagement by Salford and Leigh TRU Green Watch at this early stage provides confidence that in the event of an emergency, an efficient safe rescue can be performed with the crane driver. We would like to express a sincere word of thanks to them for the training exercise performed and the ongoing support."