

GRAHAM awarded Platinum Membership of the 5% club

GRAHAM awarded Platinum Membership of the 5% club image
GRAHAM in top tier of Employer Audit Scheme

We’re delighted to announce that we've been awarded Platinum accredited membership of the 5% Club, an organisation set up by Government to encourage all industries to commit to 5% of their workforce being young people on career development programmes.

From an impressive list of 180 audit participants, we were one of only 30 Employers who met the Platinum Standard. This means GRAHAM is in the top 3% of 'The 5% Club'.

Platinum members are participants who have achieved Gold Membership in three consecutive years, and who in their third year have 10%, or more, employees “earning and learning”.

Helen Vint, Head of Learning and Development at GRAHAM said:

"GRAHAM consistently has 11-12% of our employees in this category, a reflection of the importance we place on developing the next generation of talent and proof that we go above and beyond government expectations, setting new standards across not just the construction industry, but all industries. This award is testament to all the great work taking place within each Division, with the support of the Emerging Talent Advisors."

Mark Cameron OBE, Chief Executive at The 5% Club commented:

“Our Employer Audit scheme recognises the efforts of all those Employers who invest in their workforce through a broad range of workplace learning schemes. It is fantastic that in these challenging times so many are able to commit to the Employer Audit and to gain the credit for their efforts, and that the majority are striving to expand their schemes over the coming years. Their efforts and achievements are to be applauded. Even more impressive is the 3 percent who have achieved Platinum level membership - they represent the very best of our movement and of employers offering ‘earn and learn’ opportunities. ”

Gill Cronin, Director of Operations at The 5% Club added:

“Having seen The Club grow to more than 900 members, I am always impressed at the commitment, drive and energy our members channel into offering “earn and learn” skills opportunities. To now see 20 percent of these members gain Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum accredited membership of The Club is inspiring and demonstrates how these companies are all contributing to the future of skills in our economy.”