

GRAHAM named construction partner on new £53m mental health facility in Liverpool

GRAHAM named construction partner on new £53m mental health facility in Liverpool image

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust has appointed GRAHAM to build a new state-of-the-art mental health facility on land owned by the Trust in Mossley Hill, Liverpool.

Following a competitive tendering process overseen by Liverpool & Sefton Health Partnership, GRAHAM was chosen as the preferred construction partner due to our extensive experience in delivering numerous healthcare projects across the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

Designed by architect Gilling Dod, the new inpatient facility will phase out traditional shared dormitory mental health wards to provide 80 single bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. Throughout the hospital, there will be an emphasis on providing therapeutic spaces with light and airy environments as well as facilities for family visitation and multi-faith worship. Outside, there will be access for patients to spend time in garden areas.

Peter Reavey, GRAHAM Regional Director said: “It’s a privilege to be named construction partner of this new, state-of-the-art facility for Liverpool, which has been beautifully designed by architect Gilling Dod to provide a modern and therapeutic environment that centres patient recuperation and recovery. We’re delighted to be partnering with Mersey Care NHS Hospital Trust, which is committed to improving inpatient and community services and setting higher standards in healthcare.”

Plans for the new development were approved in 2022 and the former hospital buildings, which were deemed unfit for purpose, were demolished in February. Demolition experts recycled around 95 per cent of the salvage and buildings were crushed for re-use on site as future building fill materials for the new facility.

The sod-cutting ceremony recently took place marking the start of construction on the new state-of-the-art mental health facility.

The Trust’s Chief Executive, Prof Joe Rafferty CBE, said: “Work is well under way at Mossley Hill so we can give the people of Liverpool what they need – the very best care in a modern, therapeutic environment with single en suite facilities and easy access to gardens and open space.
“Our current inpatient estate had been identified as a limiting factor in service users’ recovery. More than that, by delivering better buildings we’re also setting newer and higher standards in mental health care for everyone.”
Dave Sweeney, Chair of Liverpool & Sefton Health Partnership (LSHP) said: “I’m delighted to see the work progressing for this important new mental health facility. This is the third project of its kind that Mersey Care has commissioned LSHP to provide Project Management services for, with Clock View Hospital and Hartley Hospital in Southport completed in 2015 and 2020 respectively.
Working in partnership with GRAHAM, the dedicated LSHP team will build upon their experience gained on previous projects, their trusted relationships with Mersey Care and an intimate knowledge of existing local NHS estate, to ensure that a first class facility is delivered for services users and staff alike.”