Major Works Framework
Named as one of six contractors, we deliver a range of individual work packages under this NI Water Major Works Framework. Our expertise has been applied in the successful completion of wastewater and water treatment process works for the design, construction, installation, testing and commissioning of the civil, environmental, process, mechanical and electrical elements for new Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW).
In parallel, we have helped NI Water achieve defined outputs through the upgrade, refurbishment and extension of WwTWs and Water Treatment Works (WTW). Additional elements of this Framework include the design, construction, installation, testing and commissioning, or refurbishment and extension, of service reservoirs, sea outfalls, combined storm overflows and pumping stations.
As part of this Framework, we developed the Dunore Point Water Treatment Works Solar Farm – a £6.5m scheme located at a 33-acre site on the Lough Neagh foreshore and described as a ‘major step forward’ in NI Water reaching its target of increasing electricity consumption from renewable sources from 13% to 40% by 2021.