
New Hinchingbrooke Hospital Redevelopment


Project Overview

Building the hospital's new theatres block

GRAHAM is currently building the new purpose-built operating theatres block located between the main hospital site and the Treatment Centre. Awarded through the ProCure22 Framework, this £30m project forms the second phase of the ongoing redevelopment of the site and follows the completion of refurbished urgent care facilities in November 2020.

The new block will replace the theatres in the main hospital building, which are coming to the end of their operational life cycle.

The current status of on-site works has dramatically changed over recent weeks, with the fabric and building elements substantially complete, making way for the various testing, commissioning and proving operations.

The project is due to be handed over to the Trust in November 2024.

    Latest News

    For the most up-to-date information on the redevelopment plans, please go to our Trust news page here.

    Considerate Constructors Scheme

    • GRAHAM is a Partner Member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. This scheme aims to improve the image of the construction industry by following a Code of Considerate Practice, which covers a number of things including site safety and considering the impact of works on the local community.
    • You can find more information about it online
    CCS Contractor Supplier Partner Logo RG Bsmall

    GRAHAM Project Contact

      • Simon Walton – Project Manager

      Procure22 Framework

      Recent Project Images

      Architects Impressions

      Meet the Theatres Team

      Meet the Project Team

      Investing in our Urgent Care Facilities